Sunday, April 06, 2008

The game is in news now

What we did last semester as a 15 day module is in news now.
The games of the students of "Game Design" module conducted by Prof. Uday Athvankar have made it to market. The games have been patented (Design registered). Funskool one of the largest game and toy manufacturer have bought the games to be released by the end of this year.
DNA-the national news paper of India published in 4 major cities has noticed this venture and published an article on it.
Online version ->>
Congratulations to all the gamers and game designers @ IDC

MahWar - the ultimate treasure battle designed by me and Suri is also a part of this.
More images of Mahawar here >>


Kanan said...

Congratulations to everyone! That is fantastic news.

maulik13 said...

Awesome!! Keep rocking.